Friday, February 8, 2019

I Slept Last Night

I slept last night.

I wish I slept like that baby
draped over her parent's arm--
drooling, sweating,
with absolutely no muscle tone.
Oh, to sleep like that again!

Perhaps I could report on the worlds I visited,
of faeries & elves,
romantic sagas,
steamy interludes or chilling encounters,
fantasies that gleam in their retelling.
If only I dreamed.

Maybe I could sleep
poised across a feinting divan
dressed in silk, wearing house slippers,
hair & make up undisturbed,
no need for a cover,
all sexy like Lauren Bacall.
Ah, we all need a cover, really.

What if in the twistings & turnings
of last night's acrobatics
I had actually worked out
the solution to a weighty problem,
it's outcome affecting, 100's of people.

Or I could say that I slept like
10,000 dragons were fighting for dominance
in an epic war that would decide fate itself.
It sounds important & dramatic,
however fitful.

Ah well, at least
I slept last night.